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Sixty Second Video Aims to Educate Public on Preventing Terrorist Attacks

Sixty Second Video Aims to Educate Public on Preventing Terrorist Attacks

Created: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - 12:53
Physical Security, Security Preparedness

The United Kingdom’s Counter Terrorism Police have released a short, 60-second video that identifies signs of potential terrorist activity and explains what the public can do to help law enforcement personnel. Called “Look Again,” the video encourages members of the public to dismiss concerns they might be wasting a police officer’s time with their report and instead think of the lives they may save. “As the film says, reporting won’t ruin lives but it could save them,” said Counter Terrorism Policing Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu. The film, which is being show in UK theaters in the advertisements before films actually start, can also be watched online. Watch the video at YouTube.