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Security Awareness – Use Caution with Malware Scanning Services

Security Awareness – Use Caution with Malware Scanning Services

Created: Monday, August 19, 2019 - 21:42

Back in the day, data found in malware was much more generic, or at least much less specific. Today, with phishing-based scams, BEC, and CEO-fraud leading the pack of cyber attack techniques, the malware samples being uploaded to free malware scanning services reveal far more specific company data than they used to. The Register posted a reminder about the dangers of uploading malware to public online sandbox services. Malware samples certainly provide valuable data for cyber analysts, but malicious actors also view the data. Actually, threat actors have been using malware scanning services for years to check if their samples are being picked up by antivirus. If a malware sample is deemed part of a sensitive investigation, members are encouraged to send samples to WaterISAC, MS-ISAC, or NCCIC for confidential handling. Read the entire post at The Register