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EPA State Emergency Drinking Water Supply Plan Instructions and Template

EPA State Emergency Drinking Water Supply Plan Instructions and Template

Created: Thursday, April 1, 2021 - 12:24
Emergency Response & Recovery, Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience

EPA’s Water Security Division has published a template and instructions that may be used by state drinking water primacy agencies as a starting point in developing a state-wide Emergency Drinking Water Supply (EDWS) Plan. EPA notes an EDWS Plan is an important tool for a state drinking water primacy agency that will allow for optimum coordination with the state Emergency Management Agency and other stakeholders. It maps out emergency water supply needs and other logistics to be coordinated during drinking water incidents. The plan details how a state will locate, secure, and deliver an EDWS, specifically outlining the roles and responsibilities of local, state, tribal, and federal agencies, as well as other stakeholders.  The template and instructions are packaged together as a single PDF document. Access the document at EPA.