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Threat Awareness – Website Injection Attacks Remain a Complex Threat to Organizations

Threat Awareness – Website Injection Attacks Remain a Complex Threat to Organizations

Created: Thursday, March 30, 2023 - 14:12

While public facing websites are vital for today’s commerce, they also create a security risk that requires on-going diligence. In today's threat landscape, website injection attacks are not as enduringly popular to discuss as ransomware or phishing attacks. However, OWASP lists them as the third most significant risk to web application security, after access control and cryptography.

For relevant reminders on website security, Sucuri describes the top 10 most dangerous types of injection attacks and provides tips on how to minimize their impact. The top three most dangerous include cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and remote code execution. Members are encouraged to consider the article’s best practices, especially the use of multifactor authentication, applying least privilege principles, and validating/sanitizing user inputs. Read more at Sucuri.