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Report To the President – Strategy for Cyber-Physical Resilience: Fortifying Our Critical Infrastructure for a Digital World

Report To the President – Strategy for Cyber-Physical Resilience: Fortifying Our Critical Infrastructure for a Digital World

Created: Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 12:46
Cybersecurity, Federal & State Resources, Security Preparedness

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) released a report on fortifying the nation’s cyber-physical systems (attached). These systems are the integrated digital and infrastructural resources that are crucial to Americans’ daily lives, including the electrical grid, public water systems, internet and telecommunications, banking systems, air traffic control, and much more.

The report recommends a series of actions to fortify the resilience of the Nation’s critical infrastructure and includes in-depth steps to accomplish each. The PCAST over-arching recommendations include:

  • Establish Performance Goals
  • Bolster and Coordinate Research and Development
  • Break Down Silos and Strengthen Government Cyber-Physical Resilience Capacity
  • Develop Greater Industry, Board, CEO, and Executive Accountability and Flexibility

For more information about the report, access The White House and PCAST’s Letter to the President and Executive Summary. See the full report attached.