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General Security and Resilience

Major Climate Report Warns of Quickly Approaching Threats to Water Supply and Critical Infrastructure

A major report issued earlier this week by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought. The IPCC found that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at the current rate, the atmosphere will warm up by as much as 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius) above preindustrial levels by 2040, resulting in raised sea levels that will inundate coastlines and intensified droughts, among other effects.

Overview of Islamic State Linked Attacks Targeting the West

The U.S. House Homeland Security Committee has released a report entitled Terror Gone Viral 2.0 to capture the scope of the Islamic State’s activities by providing a high-level examination of plots and attacks linked to the group that targeted Western countries, including the U.S. According to the report, between 2014 and 2018 the Islamic State has been linked to a total of 243 incidences, averaging five per month.

U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy Endeavors to Inform Critical Infrastructure Partners of Threats to their Facilities to Confront Expanded List of Terrorist Actors

Late last week, the Trump Administration released the newest version of the National Strategy for Counterterrorism, focusing on threats posed by Iran (which it says “remains the most prominent state sponsor of terrorism”) and Islamist terrorist groups like the Islamic State and al Qa’ida. The previous National Strategy for Counterterrorism, released in 2011 by the Obama Administration, focused largely on the threat posed by al Qa’ida following the death of Osama bin Laden.

U.S. House Homeland Security Committee Terror Threat Snapshot: October 2018

The U.S. House Homeland Security Committee has published its Terror Threat Snapshot for October 2018. It indicates there have been 159 cases of homegrown jihadist cases in the U.S. since 2013. As with other snapshots, it details news and other developments regarding counterterrorism efforts, including disrupted terror plots and judicial cases involving suspected and convicted terrorists. It also addresses Islamic State-linked terrorist incidents in Europe, including the September 28 arrest of seven individuals in the Netherlands for plotting a “large scale event.”

National Test of Wireless Emergency Alerts and Emergency Alert System

On Wednesday, October 3, FEMA and the Federal Communications Commission will conduct a nationwide Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) test of the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) and the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The WEA portion will start at 2:18 p.m. ET, followed by the EAS portion at 2:20 p.m. ET. The WEA test message will be sent to cell phones that are connected to wireless providers participating in WEA.

DHS IP Partnership Bulletin (October 1, 2018)

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP) has published the latest version of its Partnership Bulletin, which provides a snapshot of upcoming training and exercise opportunities, critical infrastructure events, and key announcements. Some of the events include: 

- A reminder that October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which will also have weekly themes that will be reinforced via events and social media messaging;

EPA Webinar – Response Planning for Distribution System Contamination Incidents (Tuesday, November 6, 2018; 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET)

This webinar will provide an overview of the response to a distribution system contamination incident and the steps utilities can take to prepare their own response procedure. It will cover roles and responsibilities when working with response partners. The webinar will also discuss possible response actions that can be implemented to minimize consequences, such as operational changes to reduce the spread of contaminated water and public notification to minimize customers’ exposure to contaminated water.

Newly-Released FBI Crime Data Shows Violent Crime and Property Crime Declined in 2017

Yesterday, the FBI today released the 2017 edition of its Crime in the United States (CIUS) report, which covers January to December 2017. It reflects that after two consecutive, historic increases in violent crime, the nationwide violent crime rate began to decline. Violent crimes are defined by the FBI as those offenses that involve force or threat of force and include murder and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

DHS IP Partnership Bulletin (September 14, 2018)

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP) has published the latest version of its Partnership Bulletin, which provides a snapshot of upcoming training and exercise opportunities, critical infrastructure events, and key announcements. Some of the upcoming events include:

- A reminder that September is National Preparedness Month, with themes for each week nested in this year’s overall theme of “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How;”


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