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Security Awareness – The Potential Risks of AI-Powered Cybercrime

Security Awareness – The Potential Risks of AI-Powered Cybercrime

Created: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - 13:13

Talos has written a blog discussing the potential risks that will arise as threat actors begin to experiment with AI-powered capabilities. While the practical deployment of AI is still in its infancy, there are some predicted areas of concern.

AI can help design more realistic material for social engineering at a higher volume than before, especially if threat actors are able to secure samples of a particular person’s or organization’s writing style. AI could also help threat actors process large amounts of data more accurately, making it possible for criminals to enrich and turn around stolen data at a faster pace. The ability to automate also means criminal groups will need to hire less people, making them harder to discover and run more leanly. While AI-powered threat actors are not yet at the stage of an active and tracked threat, members are encouraged to consider the risk in their long term planning efforts. Read more at Talos.