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Phishing Has Become the Root of Most Cyber Evil

Phishing Has Become the Root of Most Cyber Evil

Created: Thursday, February 7, 2019 - 15:11

Companies spend a huge amount of time and billions of dollars on security technology to keep threat actors out, and yet employees can negate all of these efforts by clicking on phishing links. According to one cybersecurity company, phishing was the root cause of 48 percent of the breaches it investigated. Many penetration testers have also confirmed the number one way to breach a company is by stealing a user’s credentials via phishing. It also deserves noting that phishing entails more than just mass emails, with many phishers engaging in highly targeted campaigns and setting up legitimate-seeming websites to further bait potential victims. Employee education is the best defense against phishing, which can be further bolstered by employing anti-phishing tools. Read the article at CSO.