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OT Cybersecurity Compendium – Staffing, Securing IIoT, and OPC Security, Oh My!

OT Cybersecurity Compendium – Staffing, Securing IIoT, and OPC Security, Oh My!

Created: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 - 13:52

OT Cybersecurity Staffing Challenges – Industry expert Dale Peterson outlines three strategies to addressing the OT cybersecurity shortage, including encouraging women into the field, stop demanding cybersecurity unicorns, and don’t force personnel without interest or acumen into OT cybersecurity. Read more at Dale Peterson.

Securing IIoT – A post at Tripwire discusses applying Idaho National Labs Consequence-driven Cyber-informed Engineering (CCE) principles to secure IIoT. Read more at Tripwire.

OPC, ‘Yeah, You Know Me’ – Researchers from industrial cybersecurity firms Claroty and Kaspersky commiserate on OPC (Open Platform Communications) protocol security on the most recent Aperture podcast. OPC security is vital in overall OT cybersecurity as OPC is the communication hub of an OT network, centrally supporting communication between proprietary devices that otherwise could not exchange information. Listen to the Aperture Podcast at Claroty.