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Establishing an Insider Threat Program

Establishing an Insider Threat Program

Created: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 14:21

Insider threats are becoming a greater challenge for companies to deal with and yet many companies still do not have established programs for monitoring and responding to potential insider threats. According to the cybersecurity firm Tessian, insider threat incidents increased by 47 percent between 2018 and 2020 and insiders are responsible for around 22 percent of all security incidents. Therefore, as the threat grows, companies can help mitigate against potential incidents by establishing insider threat programs. To get started, processes and procedures for collecting and monitoring data and employee activity should be established. Ethics and legal factors will need to be considered when creating insider threat policies and it’s vital to include stakeholder departments outside of IT such as human resources and legal. For additional information on establishing an insider threat program read more at HelpNetSecurity.