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Cyber Resilience – Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) Continues Recruiting Small and Medium-sized Water and Wastewater Utilities for Free Cybersecurity Training

Cyber Resilience – Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) Continues Recruiting Small and Medium-sized Water and Wastewater Utilities for Free Cybersecurity Training

Created: Thursday, February 15, 2024 - 13:48
Cybersecurity, Security Preparedness

Members may recall the Cyber Readiness Institute’s (CRI) original call to action for the water and wastewater systems sector during WaterISAC’s August 23, 2023 Cyber Threat Briefing and  H2OSecCon in October. The pilot for the Resiliency for Water Utilities has been so successful that CRI is continuing the program and actively recruiting new participants. See below for more details about the program, including the minimal time investment, expectations, and outcome. The anonymized data and lessons from this program will further inform critical infrastructure cybersecurity policy and the development of similar efforts in the sector.

About the Resiliency for Water Utilities Program

The Cyber Readiness Institute, in partnership with the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation and Microsoft, is actively recruiting participants to participate in a free cybersecurity training program for small and medium-sized water and wastewater utilities Complementing other technical assistance programs, the CRI program provides coach-supported training and resources focused on improving cybersecurity risk management and ability to respond and recover from a cybersecurity incident.

The program is based on CRI’s Cyber Readiness Program which is designed to be clear and accessible for organizations regardless of size and technical expertise. The program focuses on human behavior, helping a designated Cyber Leader develop and implement cyber readiness policies throughout the organization. The program only requires about an hour per week for six weeks and very minimal technical expertise. Participants proceed at their own pace, with the help of a coach to work through implementing organization-wide trainings and policies for strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, patch management, anti-phishing, business continuity, and other core cyber readiness topics. The program will help utilities establish an asset inventory and improve employee awareness of cybersecurity issues.

If you are interested in participating in this program or learning more, please see the Cyber Readiness Program - Resiliency for Water Utilities Program on the Cyber Readiness Institute’s website.