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CSIS Report Discusses Federal Government Actions to Improve Climate, Supply Chain Resilience

CSIS Report Discusses Federal Government Actions to Improve Climate, Supply Chain Resilience

Created: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 - 14:53
General Security and Resilience, Research

The Center for Strategic and International Studies has published a report titled Innovation for Resilience, the culmination of a year-long effort involving independent research and expert interviews. The study examines the methods through which the U.S. government can best promote resilience in four areas: the workforce, climate security, supply chains, and cybersecurity.

In the area of climate resilience, the report notes efforts “tend to be concentrated heavily on mitigation, emissions reduction, and the transition to a low-carbon economy.” However, since severe weather has already increased in intensity, it urges the federal government to shift towards building its capability to understand climate-related interdependencies across sectors to make the impacts of resilience measurable for organizations suffering this new normal. The report promotes a similar approach in the area of supply chain resilience, with a focus on increasing the capability to understand the impact of shocks and creating buffers to protect the most critical, vulnerable parts of the supply chain. Read more at CSIS.