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CISA Publishes Newly Redesigned Infrastructure Dependency Primer

CISA Publishes Newly Redesigned Infrastructure Dependency Primer

Created: Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 14:40
Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience

This week, CISA released a newly redesigned version of the Infrastructure Dependency Primer (IDP). This refreshed, online educational resource is a supplement to CISA’s Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework and can help local and regional planners and other stakeholders better understand critical infrastructure dependencies, how those dependencies impact community risk and resilience, and how to incorporate that understanding into risk mitigation planning. 

The IDP aims to answer three fundamental questions: 1) What are infrastructure dependencies and why should I care?; 2) What is resilience, how does it relate to dependencies, and how do I plan for it?; and 3) And what resources are there to help me reduce dependency risks and enhance the resilience of my community? The IDP is divided into three main modules—Learn, Plan, and Implement—which include videos, informational graphics, and basic instruction on pertinent topics, such as essential community functions, enabling infrastructure systems, dependencies, resilience, stakeholder involvement, plan integration, resilience solutions, and available resources. These modules are meant to be explored in order or referenced individually based on a user’s current knowledge, interests, and needs. Access the updated Infrastructure Dependency Primer at CISA.