- Drinking water
- Wastewater
- Stormwater

When utilities serving a half-million consumers need to create a master security plan, the large quantity of information that must be considered from government and law enforcement agencies can be overwhelming. Metro Water Services (MWS) of Nashville was able to simplify and speed its master security planning process by tapping the vast library of resources and tools available to WaterISAC members.
MWS’s security manager notes that although every master security plan is tailor made to the water system it is designed to protect, all plans share some similarities. Although compliance standards are readily available, it is very valuable to learn the practices of water systems. MWS’s security manager did not want to reinvent the wheel, so he used WaterISAC resources.
WaterISAC has been my primary and major support system for researching our master security plan, emergency response, and vulnerability assessments. Most of the time when I go to WaterISAC, I don’t have to look anywhere else.
- Security Manager, Metro Water Services
WaterISAC is the base standard for water security backed up by a national network of contacts in government and industry. Members have access to more than 8,500 resources including best practices, alerts, and reports by industry experts. Unlike other sources of threat and mitigation information, WaterISAC is focused solely on reducing threats to water and wastewater utilities.
WaterISAC resources steered the creation of MWS’s master security plan; WaterISAC updates and alerts help ensure the plan stays up-to-date.